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Dragon Boat Day 2005 - Teams


Name of Team
Freestylers Abbott Diabetes Care UK Ltd
Hawaiian Shirts 11th Abingdon Scouts
Sink or Sink Achilles Information Ltd
BUCAS International BUCAS International
Cedric's Vikings Centrica
Chiltern Centre Dragons Chiltern Centre
Moulsford Muscle Chiltern Centre
The Flying Cottsmen Cottsway Housing Association
The Crown Jewels Crown, Cork & Seal
Surgical Spirits ENT Unit Radcliffe Infirmary
Fluffy Bunny Movement Fitzharries 6th form
Hazell Carr Hazell Carr
Jordan GP Jordan GP
Wittenham Warriors Long Wittenham Primary School
The Mighty Gales Nightingale Associates
The Old Station Nursery The Old Station Nursery
Pilgrims Last Orders Orders of Sty John Care Trust
The Belles of St Edmunds St Edmunds Football Club
Purple Pirates Shrivenham
The Shags Seadogs Shrivenham
The Bagpuize Boat Southmoor Pre-School
Studio Health & Fitness Studio Health & Fitness


Races | Stalls/Entertainments | The Bruce Trust | Results


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