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Rotary Centenary Celebration 18th June 2005

Invitation to the Rotary Centenary Celebration ( 811Kb).

(Click on a picture to see a larger version)


A charming venue at the lovely beamed Long Gallery, Abbey Hall Abingdon.


Chairman of the Vale, Councillor Fraser with
 Mrs Fraser.


Great fellowship among the guests of the two Rotary Clubs in Abingdon.


David Billington, Janina Heast, Richard & Hazel Benton enjoying a glass of champagne.


Superb weather and the guests were happily mingling in the gardens.


Lucy Phillips with her mother and Mrs Gow.


"Wot - no chopsticks?"

  The Mayor of Abingdon joining the queue for a slice of pig roast.  

Vesper Ambassadorial Scholar Jeanine Baumert and her counsellor Josephine Hunt.

Ice statuette "Rotary Celebrate 100 Years". Vesper Centennial Chairman Colin Redman with Jan Ulyatt and Josephine Hunt.   The fabulous flower arrangements were the focus of attention.


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