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Barge Trips 2007 Report |
We again used the boat called 'Hannah', owned by The Bruce Trust, fitted with a “joy stick” steering facility, which we financed a few years ago, to enable those who are not strong enough to use the tiller to steer the Barge. Over the three weeks we cover 170+ miles, opening & closing 750 lock gates and swing bridges. Our guest groups ranged from profoundly disabled children to disadvantaged children through to elderly disabled with their carers, helpers, family members or friends. Almost 200 people benefited from the trips this year. Rotarian John May Quotes from some guests following their day on the Barge: Vale of White Horse PHaB club “Everyone asked me to thank you all, they all got a chance to make some contribution to the day, either working the locks, or steering the vessel or simply enjoying the relaxing trip. They enjoyed themselves so much we all ignored the rain we had towards the end of the journey. The first timers were very impressed and hope to join us again in 2008, they all said what a brilliant time they had.” Oxford Sailability “All our group enjoyed it, and several did not realise we would be so tired at the end of the day – that is always a good sign.”