Current News
Photo competition
Spring 2015
The Rotary Club of Abingdon Vesper is holding a photographic competition for young people resident, or attending school or college, in Abingdon-on-Thames.
The topic for photographs is “Life in Abingdon-on-Thames”, which can include things such as school and study, people at work, sport and people having fun, festivals and events.
There are three categories for entry:
- Primary School (school years 1 to 6)
- Secondary School (school years 7 to 11)
- Sixth Form and College (from 17 up to and including 21 years of age)
- 1st prize £50
- 2nd prize £30
- 3rd prize £15
- Entries will be judged by local photographer Paul Viney from Paul Viney Photography.
The closing date for entries is the 30th April, full details are available in the rules. An exhibition of winning photographs will be displayed in Abingdon over the summer, and on this website.
Full details of the competition can be seen here:
- Photo competition 2015
Photo Competition Poster:
- Poster
District 1090 Foundation Award
11th September 2014
Valerie Caswell presents President Ann Barnett with the District 1090 Foundation Award.
Rotary Dragon Boat Day
7th September 2014
The annual Abingdon Rotary Dragon Boat Day was held on 7th September. For more information see:
- Rotary Dragon Boat Day web site
Abingdon Food and Drink Festival
1st June 2014
The Abingdon Food and Drink Festival is being held at the amazing Miele Experience Centre on the 1st June 2014.
Chefs from top local restaurants will be providing demonstrations in the Demonstration Theatre and Kitchens in the Experience Centre whilst outside, upwards of 30 stalls will be showing local food producers and products together with some from further afield. Local brewers will be showing and selling their products. There will also be tutored tasting sessions. Throughout the day there will be childrens competitions and entertainment.
Watch a demonstration or two; take in a tasting; browse the stalls; buy some food; relax with a drink and have lunch on the Green. What better way to spend a Sunday?
All the details are on the Abingdon Food and Drink Festival web site which is being updated daily with stalls and chefs added as they join the event.
This is a charity event run by the Rotary Club of Abingdon Vesper in association with Miele. The proceeds will be shared between SeeSaw and other charities supported by the Rotary Club of Abingdon Vesper.
Photo competition
Spring 2014
The Rotary Club of Abingdon Vesper held a photo competition for young people living or studying in Abingdon, and entries were judged by local photographer Paul Viney from Paul Viney Photography.
The topic for photographs was Abingdon-on-Thames, with an emphasis on the Thames. For example landscape, flora and fauna, people, life on or by the river.
An exhibition of winning photographs can seen at the Christ Church Barns, Northcourt Road, Abingdon from Tuesday 27th May until Saturday 31st May.
Prize winners - Primary School
- 1st Prize £50: Melissa Reeves
- 2nd Prize £30: Justyna Majewska
- 3rd Prize £15: Alex Horsham
Prize winners - Secondary School
- Commended. Prize £30: Stan Majewska
Concert in aid of ShelterBox
22nd May 2014
This year's Rotary Scholars are very keen to give something back and have organised a concert in aid of ShelterBox at the Holywell Music Room on Thursday 22nd May at 7 p.m. Tickets are £5 each and the concert should last for around one hour.
For more details see:
- Flyer for Scholar concert
Rome Twinning Visit
23rd to 27th May 2013

Members of the Rotary Club of Abingdon Vesper, along with members of the Rotary Clubs of Breda Mark & Aa, and Sophia Antipolis visited the Rotary Club of Roma Castelli Romani.
- Read a detailed report of the visit
Vesper triumph again!
24th April 2013

Another successful evenings quizzing for Vesper as our team defended their title at the annual Rotary Quiz Challenge organised by the Rotary Club of Henley Bridge.
Competing against 11 other teams from Rotary clubs across the area, we triumphed in a closely fought competition, coming through in the last round to win by three points.
Ably led by President Elect Colin, the team comprising David and Ann Barnett, Stephen Goss, Linda Staniford, Sulwen Vaughan and Colins friend, Simon, retained the Henley Bridge tankard which we won last year and have now won four times in the last six years.
Roll on next year who knows, if we win it again we may get to keep it!
Hand Cycle
16th April 2013

Fifteen years ago local resident Trevor Bailey was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) at the age of 29.
Trevor approached The Rotary Club of Abingdon Vesper for help in raising funds for a hand cycle and a solid frame wheelchair that could be attached to the cycle that would allow him to go on long bike rides with his family and to increase his independence. The club approved a donation of £750 to help fund this and Trevor raised the balance of the funds through a variety of sources including a sponsored cycle at the local leisure centre.
Trevor visited the club in April 2013 to demonstrate his new purchase and to thank the club for their support.
Planting at Caldecott Primary School
12th January 2013

Abingdon Carbon Cutters (ACC) has been working with Caldecott Primary School and South Abingdon Childrens Centre to raise money to develop a stimulating outdoor learning environment.
Thanks to the generous support of Abingdon Vesper Rotary, which paid for essential groundwork at a cost of £1,500, planting began on Saturday, 12th January. With the enthusiastic help of 20 volunteers ranging from parents, teachers and school governors to the Mayor, councillors, Abingdon Vesper Rotarians and members of ACC, a heroic amount of work was achieved in chilly conditions. An orchard, native hedge, trees and a hazel copse were planted in the first phase of this project.
A truly community effort, the project was delighted to receive financial support from the Jubilee Tree Fund through the VWDC. ACC would also like to thank Bunkers Hill Nursery for donating hedging plants and Ringrose Tree Surgeons for a load of wood chippings.
District Governor presents International Banner
1st November 2011

District Governor Rotarian Niall Blair attended Vesper's Club meeting and presented President Chris Le Fevre with this year's International Banner.
Rotarian Andrew Bartholomew presented with a Paul Harris Sapphire
24th May 2011

At tonight's club meeting, Andrew was presented with a Paul Harris Sapphire by President Diane Clarke in the presence of District Governor Elect Niall Blair.
No-one has done more to earn an award like this in our clubs history. The work Andrew has done has largely revolved around the villages surrounding Mubende in Uganda. Originally this was the provision of tools for farmers and then goats. He has provided his Happy Animal talks to trainers at Kulikas training centre near Kampala (including on one occasion a group of nuns) and village groups around Mubende.

When our involvement developed into micro credit, he then provided training for them on basic business skills and how to make best use of the loans, linking this to the farming/animal husbandry skills. Every group gets at least three presentations Happy Animals, micro credit introduction, refresher. He has been back several times to some of the groups.

The contribution Andrew has made to the communities around Mubende is immense and cannot be quantified. His work has led to a huge improvement in the quality of life for so many people by giving them skills and support. It is no exaggeration to say that his work will have helped to prolong and in some cases save lives.
There can be no better example of Rotary's motto “Service Above Self” and how Rotary changes lives through direct action.
Presentation by Judy and Norman Goodall on behalf of Chilton Wives
24th May 2011

Following a presentation by Hazel King to the Chilton Wives on Richard and Hazel's trip to the NID, Chilton Wives chose Polio Plus as their charity of the year. They held a cryptic quiz and quiz evening, raising over £640 for PolioPlus.
This photo is Judy Goodall presenting the cheque for PolioPlus.
Dragon Boat Day 2011
15th May 2011
On Sunday 15th May, the Rotary Club of Abingdon Vesper held its annual Dragon Boat Day fund raising event alongside the River Thames in Abingdon. Twenty five teams took part to raise money for charity and to have some fun on the water!
The Rotary Club of Abingdon Vesper would like to thank Achilles Information Limited for sponsoring this year's event.

Congratulations to “16 Stags Sinking”, winners of Dragon Boat Day 2011.

“Drowning Owls” were the winners of the Fancy Dress competition.
- Click here to open our dedicated web site for Dragon Boat Day 2011
Rotarian Louise Thomas presented with a Paul Harris fellowship
8th March 2011

At tonight's club meeting, Louise was presented with a Paul Harris fellowship.
This was richly deserved for all the work Louise has done as a member of the Rotary Club of Abingdon Vesper. Over many years Louise has very diligently helped with organisations such as the local Stroke Club and Helen & Douglas House, given her time judging for the Rotary Youth Speaks competition, coordinated the organisation of the stalls at the club's Dragon Boat Event and helped with many other Rotary activities.
Louise's nature is such that she is always willing to help if she can and is the epitome of the motto of Rotary 'Service above Self'.
The Rotary Club of Abingdon Vesper sponsors Reading Quest
February 2011

In a world where reading is not just a way of burying yourself in the newest novel, but also an essential skill needed to gather new information, some of us are left out.
The Oxfordshire based charity organisation Reading Quest, set up 1997 by Penny Tyack, has truly taken on the quest of teaching those children who fall behind to read. Using tried-and-tested methods, Reading Quest helps children who struggle with the early stages of reading. They are given a course of intensive, structured, one-to-one daily sessions in school over a six-week period, and involvement from family and carers is welcomed.
Reading Quest volunteers are thoroughly trained by the former school teacher. They are called in by schools and help the children individually to read, letter for letter, phoneme by phoneme, word by word, sentence by sentence until eventually the child masters the text all by themself.
After Pennys speech in 2010, the Rotary Club of Abingdon Vesper decided to sponsor training sessions for volunteers.
End Polio Now
February 2011
Abingdon Vesper members have ordered 5000 purple crocus plants.
What for?
In February 2011 there will be an appeal for donations to help the End Polio Now campaign. In order to highlight the continued need to raise funds to end the spread of this dreadful disease, blooms of purple crocuses will be on display in and around Abingdon.
This is part of Rotary International's UK initiative and it is hoped that in October Rotarians and helpers will be able to beat the world record for mass planting of bulbs. Over 3 million bulbs have been ordered to meet this commitment.
If you have a patch of ground that is on prominent view to the public please get in contact with us via our contact form.
We look forward to hearing from you.